Redesign Time

Since the last post, there has been some changes going on.. to put it simply, we decided to step back and do a bit of a redesign..

  • The creator of FadeCandy is no longer supporting it. In addition, you can no longer order FadeCandy boards. Due to this we have decided to use teensy boards with the OctoWS2811 library. This allows us to not have to make segments of 60 LEDs, and will speed up our build time.

  • We have decided to go with 12V Neopixels over the 5V with the hopes of making taking advantage of solar charging and battery packs in the future.

  • We have moved to an upgraded Neopixel strip design with a redundant data line. Hopefully this will help us prevent having to do repairs on playa and hold us over till we get back home.

Because of these changes we are going to have to spend a bit of time doing R&D on this new approach.


RetroMan Lives


We Got A Problem