The Concept


Many years ago when I first saw the ghosts at Burning Man, it took me back to my childhood and reminded me of great memories of playing PacMan and basically any 8-bit game of my childhood. I want to be able to bring that feeling back to others and remind them what they used to dream of as kids. Working with Ghost Frequencies, we have been able to design and start the build process matching their style to fit seamlessly into everyone's childhood memories of PacMac. However, I wanted to be able to bring in something new and expand the capabilities beyond just a yellow, or even a multi-colored circle in the desert.. I also want to be able to get people to wonder what that is out in the distance.. That is why we hand built each of the two 7,500 individually controlled LEDs to be able to incorporate patterns and artwork from various artists on this 10 foot tall circular diffused art panel (screen). With this we can bring to life PacMan as an animated figure in the distance as well as visuals only seen in our dreams when we are able to get away from the day to day life of rectangular display devices.

The Design


The Renderings

These renderings are to give a rough idea of what the final RetroMan is going to look like