What is RetroMan?
RetroMan is a Burning Man art car project that was inspired by PacMan as well as the efforts of GhostFrequencies, another Burning Man project..
RetroMan is a Burning Man art car project that was inspired by PacMan as well as the efforts of GhostFrequencies, another Burning Man project..
After a long needed hiatus on this project, we are back to building!
We have gone through and calculated power requirements and software needs and are in a better state than we originally thought! I will do another post soon with those details.
With a new LED control system.. RetroMan is showing signs of life and all new capabilities!
Since the last post, there has been some changes going on.. to put it simply, we decided to step back and do a bit of a redesign..
We were running up to the last few days of being able to bring the panel to playa.. We kept on adding more and more rows of LEDs to the panel. We added on a second FadeCandy to the host and got to about 12 rows of LEDs... And that is where we started to run into issues..